
The classification of the Environment in which Motionite runs predominantly determines how data is sourced and what processes are required to be executed. Currently, due to connection restrictions at Bursa, we have only two environments available; 1) Customer Test Environment (CTE), and 2) Production.

Customer Test Environment

The Customer Test Environment or CTE does not provide the same level of integration as the production environment, nor does it use the same level of redundancy.

  • Servers are not redundant. There exists only one front end server and one backend, and no load balancers are used.
  • Integration with Malacca BOS does not exist. MView provides the screens for managing Client data from the Test Data menu
  • Trading and Market information is carried out through the Bursa Test Market. This market is fictional and carries no burden of clearing.

Production Environment

The Production environment provides a full level of redundancy and scalability.

  • Both front end and back end servers are redundant and load balanced into differnt availability zones.
  • Integration with Malacca BOS exists.
  • Trading and Market information is done on the Live Bursa market.